Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Greetings from Twitter and other Eggsellent Social Media Holiday Ideas

Happy Easter to you all!

Ironically, I wouldn’t have known Sunday was Easter if I hadn’t got an instant alert text and a Facebook update from the big bad Bunny himself.

Folks, the staff here at News-Herald Dot Comedy isn’t against the digital revolution and the fact social media is taking over our every day lives like fast-food restaurants without all the health detriments and happy meal toys. However, our new ways of communicating and need for instant gratification when it comes to information and simple speech has hopped down the I-phone bunny trail and has kind of depersonalized the holidays.

Don’t believe us? How many of you had your kids paint eggs on an app you purchased for your handheld device instead of actually buying a dozen Grade As and some food coloring? We will wait for an answer as you log off the web site and download pictures to print and place neatly in your virtual basket.

Did you wish all your family and friends a Happy Easter today? Make a bunch of phone calls? Send snail mail cards and cutouts from the kids? Heck no, you went on Twitter and Facebook and sent out a mass text that had all the sincerity of Charles Manson at a parole hearing.

Be honest. It’s OK. The world is different than it used to be. Accept it, and prepare a hash tag tonight when you hit your knees and pray for a time when Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg wasn’t as important as God.

We wish the days of hiding Easter eggs in the yard could come back in to popular culture, but that is about as plausible as asking Snoop Dogg to get through a 20-mile bus trip without lighting up a medicinal plant for glaucoma.

It is what it is, folks, and the staff at NH Dot Comedy has come to a point in life, no not a point, a moment of clarity.

We are pretty sure the Easter Bunny has a Twitter handle and a Facebook page, and no real use for actually going door to door hiding baskets, but we can’t be sure because we are on a Verizon package and EB has Sprint.

Oh, the problems of 2012.

The holidays used to be about getting together with family and loved ones. Now, it is getting together with people that love the same technology that you love.

You think it’s a chocolate bunny? Guess again. Chocolate doesn’t taste as good when it is a digital, 2-dimensional recreation of a Malley’s favorite.

So, Happy Easter. But check your Facebook to make sure you haven’t missed any specials at the Easter Bunny’s latest slideshow/photo-op.

And if you don’t have time to go to the mall, no worries. Just hang out at home and Tweet yourself into a picture and call it a day.

Got a problem with that? Take it up with Mark Zuckerberg.